Lampe Berger Lists Archives - Lampe Berger Review

Category Archives for Lampe Berger Lists

When to replace a Lampe Berger Wick

Lampe Berger wicks do not last for ever, but buying a replacement is pretty easy and will get your lamp back to full performance. You should only buy replacement wicks that are from lampe berger or you risk not getting one of high quality, the most common replacement wick we get is the “85 AC Catalytic Burner Replacement”. This will fit almost all lampe berger units as its 6 inches long wick.

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lampe berger for pets

Eliminate All Pesky Cat & Dog Odors with Lampe Berger

If you have pets in your home, you may often wonder if you’ve become nose blind to the odors they leave behind. Lampe Berger is the answer to any pet odor problems, it actually sanitizes the air while filling it with very pleasant fragrances or if you prefer fragrance free with all the benefits.  Essential to […]

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Top 10 Lampe Berger Fragrances

Top 10 Best Lampe Berger Fragrances of All Time

Picking out the right Lampe Berger Paris fragrance is kind of fun, there is so many to choose from though it can be overwhelming. When we started Lampe Berger Review our mission has been to document our reviews of each of their fragrances and help user figure out which scents they should use in their […]

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Romantic Gift Ideas from Lampe Berger

With Valentine’s Day right around the corner we figured it was time to round up some of the top fragrances and lamps from Lampe Berger. Lampe Berger is a unique and fabulous gift to impress and delight your significant other this holiday season. To learn more about lampe berger look at our articles on:How Does […]

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Top 10 Lampe Berger Fragrances for the Holidays

We have all been in the situation where you just can’t seem to get the smell of the fried chicken or fish you had three days ago out of the house. Ventilation is a fairly big issue. It can lead to accumulation of smells of food, smoke or just the normal musty smell that comes […]

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Lampe Berger for the Home

Top 10 Lampe Berger Fragrances for a Clean Smelling House

We have all been in the situation where you just can’t seem to get the smell of the fried chicken or fish you had three days ago out of the house. Ventilation is a fairly big issue. It can lead to accumulation of smells of food, smoke or just the normal musty smell that comes […]

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Top 10 Fragrances for Bathrooms

Top 10 Lampe Berger Fragrances For Your Bathroom

Lampe Berger Paris grew to be recognized for its variety of fragrances. Let any odors of your bathroom replaced by these fragrances. The lamps make amazing decorating statements on their own, and they really do purify the air – so what better place for a lampe berger but in your powder room or bathrooms.  Let’s […]

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Spice things Up

Top 10 Romantic Lampe Berger Fragrances for your Bedroom

Are you married? Have you been in a relationship for a long time and wish to see it go even further? Then, perhaps you are wondering how you can make your love life more romantic. One sure fire way to make it more romantic is to fix up the bedroom. And we can guarantee you, […]

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Best Lampe Berger Fragrances for Summer

10 Best Lampe Berger Fragrances for Summer

The transition from the colder to warmer months is a vibrant time of growth. It isn’t just your wardrobe, activities and mental attitude that should change. The scents you display in your home or office can further reinforce the freeing feeling of summer, and create a fresh ambiance to enhance the mood brought on by longer, warmer days.

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How to use a Lampe Berger Lamp

How to Use a Lampe Berger

The Lampe Berger is easy to use, and safe as long as you follow some basic suggestions. When you get home with your new Lampe Berger, some assembly is required. With only a few moments of your time, you too can enjoy the benefits of Lampe Berger.

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