Lampe Berger Lamp & Fragrance Giveaway for Bloggers - Lampe Berger Review

Lampe Berger Lamp & Fragrance Giveaway for Bloggers

We’re currently looking for other bloggers who would be interested in reviewing a lampe berger fragrance and lamp. The best part is we will buy the fragrance and lamp for you to review!

We have a few requirements, if you can email us with your site address at:

We’re looking to have a guest post on your site, in exchange for a review of our site we will send you a lampe berger lamp and fragrance!  We then want to have you review them and use your actual fragrance and lamp review on our site. We will cite you and your blog as the author if you like as well.

Let us know your website address, also if you already own a lampe, we would prefer to send you multiple scents – we look forward to working with you! We plan on awarding this giveaway to 10 Bloggers in total and We will be ending this program on July 31st

And of course if you have any other questions or ideas feel free to contact us.