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Lavender Fields Lampe Berge Fragrance

Lavender Fields Lampe Berger Fragrance

Lampe Berger describes this scent as “A floral fragrance with fresh lavender notes blended with a light camphor to produce an invigorating and stimulating effect.” We found this scent to be very soft and airy, and if your not hip to benefits of Lavender let us explain. Lavender has medicinal properties that help calm and relax you, and that couldn’t be more true for this Lampe Berger Scent. Especially if you have pets this can be a great way to clam and relax their anxiety. We used to give our dog lavender pill before any car ride to calm his nerves and stop him from barking, we consider this to be a safe alternative to that. I suggest using Lavender Fields Lampe Berge Fragrance in the bedroom, before bed or right before having guests over to set a relaxed mood in your home or office.

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